Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model Pdf

This article offers an introduction to the Internal Family unit Systems Therapy. For this it covers the most important Steps and Questions used in the IFS-Approach.

Yous find the complete article PLUS the most of import questions for every step of IFS-Therapy hither:

What is IFS and what are these steps?

IFS or Internal Family Systems is both a model of our mind and psyche and an approach to therapy.
Both the model and approach work with the assumption that each person has many Parts (subpersonalities) and that these parts strongly influence (sometimes even decide) how one feels and acts in the world.
In addition, IFS asserts that each person has a Self (an essential/spiritual core) that is not a Part and that is inherently compassionate, at-home and open up.

The IFS-Model gives a map for different parts, relationships between parts and interactions with the Self. The IFS-Approach gives applied tools on how to piece of work with Parts and support the Self to exist more than nowadays.

The 'Steps of the IFS-Approach' are the steps of the therapeutic process IFS uses to work with parts that are creating problems in a person'south life. In essence, these steps are nigh helping the Self and these parts to re-connect and empowering the person'southward Cocky to help his or her own Parts.

These steps are used both by Therapists to back up their Clients and people working with themselves to develop more compassion and empowerment to support themselves and their ain Parts.

Introducing the Steps

The balance of this article is an overview of these Steps. For this I showtime want to introduce a diagram I developed (open for effective feedback):

A few general points on these steps and this diagram:

  1. IFS distinguishes between the piece of work with Protective Parts (Protectors) and child parts that are carrying pain from the past (Exiles). There are different steps for both: The six F's in low-cal grey for working with Protectors and the Unburdening Process when working with an Exile.
  2. The (!) Signs represent particularly important thresholds of the IFS-Steps where the orientation shifts and we need to pay particular attention to the presence of Self or Self-Energy.
  3. The whole process revolves effectually the connexion betwixt parts (both Protectors and Exiles) with Self – this is represented by the spiral that moves closer towards the Self-Flower and the last pace (Integration) symbolising the re-integration of a certain Role into Self-Energy and thus Self-Leadership.

The half-dozen F's in more detail

The vi F's are the IFS-Steps for working with Protectors (Parts that actively do – sometimes very distorted – things to endeavour and protect a person from harm and proceed them functioning in life).

The basic goals of the 6 F's are

  • to connect with a person's Protectors as Parts (as in, these are activated subpersonalities and not Self),
  • understand why they are interim a certain style
  • and enable a connection between Protector and the Self in which the Function is separated from the Self.

For this IFS has developed 6 steps:

Find: Finding out with which topic and Parts we work So localising the part in or around the body.

FOCUS: Focusing the attending inwards on the Part. Learning a bit virtually it and its qualities.

FLESH OUT: Learning more about the Function in a way that supports the separation betwixt Part and Self.

FEEL TOWARDS: Testing the Presence of Self, unblending from the Part if necessary to found a strong connexion between Self and Parts.

BEFRIEND: Learning more than about the Part and establishing a good relationship between Self and Part.

FEARS: Asking virtually the deepest fears of the part that influence it  to act the way it does. Usually this points towards exiles and polarized parts.

This Video explains the Steps in more item:

The Unburdening-Process in more detail:

The Unburdening-Process covers the steps that have emerged within IFS to help Exiles to permit get of a Burden (former pain and unprocessed emotions) they are carrying – and frequently take carried for years or decades.
This process includes the Self being present with and belongings the Exile in their pain, helping them have a new experience and supporting them in letting go of the old pain they have been conveying.

PLEASE BE AWARE: Beingness with Exiles is delicate work.
Exiles are simultaneously fragile and property very intense emotions and experiences. And so trying to "just unburden" an exile is both dangerous and ungracious. Going to these old places without appropriate skills or back up by a person who can agree you lot and the Exile can lead to the system condign more charged and activated.
Then if an Exile keeps coming upward in you: please get the help that is appropriate.

I however desire to encompass the Steps of the Unburdening Procedure,
so you tin get a clear picture of the whole IFS-Process:

CONTACTING EXILE: Establishing a connexion between the Cocky and Exile in which the Cocky can be present with the experience of the exile.

WITNESSING EXILE: Inviting the Exile to show anything it wants to show so it tin be seen, felt and understood – in what happened and how that fabricated information technology feel.
Additionally: Supporting the Exile in understanding that this happened in the past.

REPARENTING EXILE: Allowing the Exile to have a new experience. Either in the memory of the past OR in the present.

RETRIEVING EXILE: Freeing the Exile from the situation of the past and bringing information technology into a amend state of affairs in imagination or the present.

UNBURDENING EXILE: Holding a ritual in which the Exile can let go of the Burdens it has been holding.

INTEGRATING EXILE AND PROTECTOR: Finding a proficient place for both Exile and protector in the organisation and life.
Likewise: Integrating the qualities of Beingness that are arising in yous.

This Video explains the Steps in more than detail:

If you lot still want to larn almost the most important questions for all these steps, you discover them in the following PDF:

I hope this helps you to either get an idea of the IFS-Process or deepen your understanding and do with these Steps.

If you have any questions or remarks, feel costless to make it touch.

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