After the Dark Age of Civilization How Did the Greeks Learn to Write Again
Past Robert Garland, Ph.D., Colgate University
Civilizations, long before Christ, had plumbing systems in their multi-story houses, enjoyed merchandise and bureaucracy, and congenital massive fortresses. However, a wave of unknown crusade wiped their entire heritage out of Greece's surface, forcing the new generation back to the time long before their ancestors: no reading, no writing, no building, no pottery, and only myths to explain what they saw. The Nighttime Age had begun.

(Image: R. Lemieszek/Shutterstock)
The Dark Age began later on 1025 B.C. when the Mycenaeans lost their civilization to an unknown cause – maybe an invasion from the north, mayhap the Trojan State of war over the Black Sea regions, or maybe to raiders inside the country. Regardless of the reason, many marks of civilization disappeared for the adjacent decades afterward Mycenaeans.
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Signs of the Dark Age
Around 1025 B.C., items made of statuary began to disappear from mainland Greece and were replaced by iron, a metal that had previously been in very short supply. Along with bronze, so were gone the other signs of civilization.
People forgot how to read and write. They lived in huts and struggled to find food and survive. Thus, painting, sculpting, building in stone and even understanding the ruins of the late civilizations. Advice with the outside world was also minimized.
People would look at the peachy circuit wall at Mycenae and create myths most giants who could elevator those heavy stones and build the walls. The one-eyed Cyclopes were born in a similar imaginative way. What else was born in the Nighttime Age?
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Ballsy Poesy in the Dark Historic period
Even though civilization was no longer a tendency as before, people were not ignorant or uncivilized. But as mentioned, they used their imagination to solve the puzzles. Poetry is also born of imagination. Ballsy poetry was an important consequence of the Dark Age B.C., orally equanimous. Information technology was also transmitted orally until a long while later it was written downwardly and preserved to present. The famous works attributed to Homer, theIliad and theOdyssey, were both created owing to this night era.

Homer might have been more than ane person, and he lived long after the 200-year-long Nighttime Historic period was over, in 700 B.C. However, Homer was raised with the tradition of oral composition, which rooted back to the Nighttime Age. He may fifty-fifty have been illiterate. His poems and the others like his exercise not describe the life of the time. Instead, they sing about everything that did not exist, and they wanted to have – nearly dreams.
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The End of the Nighttime Age
Despite the conditions, Greek civilisation lived on in the Dark Historic period: the gods, the memories of a glorious by, and plenty lite to guide people to a revival. Around 900 B.C., afterwards 200 years, Night Age began fading abroad from Athens and then surrounding areas. Information technology is not clear why Greece recovered, merely it is evident in the reappearing of pottery.
Pottery after the Dark Age flourished massively, leaving behind works on an epic scale. Dipylon amphora is a proficient example: a five-foot ii-handled vessel that served as a tomb marker for an aristocratic woman. This amphora is called Dipylon considering of its location at the later Dipylon or Double Gate on the west side of Athens in the Kerameikos, Athens' main cemetery. At that place were many similar monuments made at the time. The adjacent sign of the revival was writing.
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Re-invention of Writing
Writing was re-invented around 800 B.C. as the Greeks adapted the consonantal Phoenician alphabet to the Greek language. Perhaps, the origin of this accommodation was Al-Mina, a mixed Greek and Phoenician customs on the current border of Turkey and Syria. Greeks and Phoenicians came together because of the sea.

When writing got back to the club, poetry and laws could be written downward. The earliest examples of Greek police are from the 7th century B.C. They prescribe punishments and procedures to protect ordinary people from being exploited by the regime.
This is how the Night Historic period of Greece started after the fall of Mycenaeans and ended 200 years later. The large souvenir information technology left backside was ballsy poesy every bit nosotros know it today. Without the darkness of illiteracy, epic poetry might have never been born.
Common Questions nearly the Dark Age
Q: Why exercise they call it the Dark Age?
The pre-historic Dark Age happened afterwards the Mycenaean society collapsed, and everything they had congenital fell into oblivion. The remains of their fortresses were massive wonders for the adjacent order, which had no civilization and did not fifty-fifty know how to write. Information technology was the Night Age of civilization.
Q: How did the Nighttime Age start?
The Night Age started when the reign of Mycenaeans ended. Civilization was wiped out, and for a flow, people lived without even the most basic signs of civilization, such equally pottery.
Q: When did the Dark Historic period brainstorm and end?
The Dark Historic period lasted nearly 200 years, from 1100–900 B.C. in Greece. All signs of civilization died out in this era, and people fifty-fifty forgot how to read and write.
Q: How dark was the Dark Historic period really?
In the sense of civilisation, the Dark Age was evidently really dark: no sign of basic civilization, people living in huts, rarely communicating with the outside earth. They could not pigment, sculpt, or build in stone.
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